

Yoshitsune and Benkei, fleeing from Yoritomo, disguised themselves as yamabushi (mountain ascetics) and attempted to pass through the An’naka Barrier. They claimed to be on a journey to the northeast to solicit donations for the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple. The gatekeeper of Ataka Barrier, Togashi, became suspicious of them and demanded to see the actual fundraising document for the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple, known as the “kanjincho.”


Benkei pulled out a fake scroll and recited it as if it were the fundraising document. Impressed by his convincing performance, Togashi allowed them to pass, but he remained suspicious of the disguised Yoshitsune.


Benkei, quick-witted and resourceful, began chastising Yoshitsune and struck him with his staff to deceive Togashi. Overwhelmed by the display of force, Togashi finally granted them passage.


After striking Yoshitsune, Benkei apologized tearfully. This scene has also been depicted in Noh theater’s “Ataka” and Kabuki theater’s “Kanjincho.”

