Although it is not very famous as a tourist destination, it is a temple with a great national treasure.

There is an amazing space inside where you can be surrounded on all sides by Tohaku Hasegawa’s dynamic national treasure paintings, but of course photography is prohibited. There are surprisingly few people, so you can relax.

Although it is a traditional temple, you can pay the entrance fee with electronic money.

Sen no Rikyu’s favorite garden. Sen no Rikyu千利休 was a master of the tea ceremony, and he pursued the beauty of the tea ceremony without flattering military commanders such as Oda Nobunaga織田信長 or Toyotomi Hideyoshi豊臣秀吉.Although he was admired by many feudal lords who were taught by him the tea ceremony, he was ordered to commit seppuku (cut one’s own belly to die)by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

I was able to take a lot of good photos. There is also a photo contest being held.
