春日大社Kasuga Taisha Shrine


Kasuga Taishaku shrine was founded in 768 to pray for the protection of Heijo-kyo, which was the capital at that time, and the prosperity of the people. Since then,many people prayed to this shrine for a long time.


In the precincts of the shrine, surprisingly many lanterns are lined up narrowly. The lantern was donated by the people who prayed to Kasuga Taisha Shrine, and it can be seen that it was believed by many people.


Deer are also visiting gods. There are a lot of deer in Kasuga Taisha. It is said that the deer is cherished as a messenger of gods because the god of Kasuga Taisha Shrine came to this place on a deer.


Statue of God’s deer. The deer are running around and taking a walk with their family.


The people of Nara really cherish the deer, and I came across a scene where a car was waiting for the deer crossing the crosswalk.

