素戔嗚尊 Susanoo no Mikoto


Susano-o no Mikoto(素戔嗚尊) is a deity in Japanese mythology and the younger brother of the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami(天照大神). He is the son of Izanagi and Izanami, who created the Japanese archipelago. Due to his unruly behavior and violence, he was banished from the heavenly realm of Takama-ga-hara and descended to Japan.


When Susano-o no Mikoto arrived in Japan, he knew that the beautiful princess Kushinada-hime was about to be sacrificed to the eight-headed serpent, Yamata no Orochi. Determined to save Kushinada-hime, Susano-o devised a plan. Yamata no Orochi was a massive serpent with eight heads, but Susano-o succeeded in weakening it by making it consume alcohol.He then triumphed over and defeated Yamata no Orochi.


Susano-o no Mikoto married Kushinada-hime and they built a home, living happily together.


It bears some resemblance to the legends of dragon-slaying in Europe.


I will post about a festival related to Susano-o no Mikoto tomorrow.

