This temple is located roughly in the middle of the Yamabe-no-Michi in Nara. It is believed to have been founded by Kōbō Daishi Kōkai.

The area is rich in nature, and you can enjoy flowers throughout the changing seasons. In particular, the pond in the garden is picturesque from any angle.

During the special autumn exhibition, the “Great Hell Paintings” were on display. The scenes of hell are depicted in intricate detail across nine large hanging scrolls. Hell paintings can be found in many temples throughout Japan, and they were intended to convey the Buddhist concept of karma and retribution, encouraging people to reflect on how they live in this world.

The Stone Coffin Buddha. A statue made from a burial coffin of a kofun (ancient mound tomb). It was created during the Kamakura period.

長岳寺旧地蔵院。 鶴亀の庭。松が鶴、石が亀に見立てられています。象に乗った地蔵延命菩薩が祀られています。健康長寿のご利益がありそうです。
Chōgaku-ji, the former Jizō-in. The Crane and Turtle Garden, where the pine trees are symbolized as cranes and the stones as turtles. A Jizō Enmei Bosatsu (Bodhisattva of Longevity) riding an elephant is enshrined here. It is believed to bring blessings for health and long life.
