Hōryū-ji Temple法隆寺, completed in 607, is the world’s oldest wooden building and was the first Japanese site to be registered as a World Cultural Heritage.

The construction of Hōryū-ji Temple was initiated by Emperor Yōmei用明天皇, and its completion was achieved by his son, Prince Shōtoku聖徳太子. Prince Shōtoku is a remarkable figure known for his significant contributions, such as creating the Seventeen Article Constitution, which is Japan’s first constitution, fostering advanced cultural exchanges with the Sui Dynasty隋王朝, which was considered a leading country at the time, and promoting the spread of Buddhism. Despite these major accomplishments, there is still debate about whether he actually existed.
金堂 Main Hall

In the Main Hall, the statues of the Shaka釈迦 and two statues is dedicated to Prince Shōtoku聖徳太子, the statue of Yakushi Nyorai薬師如来 is for Emperor Yōmei用明天皇, and the statue of Amida Nyorai阿弥陀如来 is for Empress Anabenohashihito穴穂部間人皇后, Emperor Yōmei’s wife. The statue of Shaka in this temple, with its elongated face, large eyes, and gently smiling expression, is said to resemble Prince Shōtoku himself. This statue is distinct from other Buddha statues found elsewhere, showcasing a unique style characteristic of the Asuka period.
五重塔five-story pagoda

The oldest five-story pagoda in Japan. At the base of the pagoda, there is a statue depicting a scene from a sutra. In front of the pagoda, there is a stone. In the past, the inside of the temple was considered a sacred space, so people were not allowed to enter it. It is said that they would revere the pagoda from the side of the stone.
夢殿Dream Hall

The hall was built in memory of Prince Shōtoku聖徳太子 at the site of the former Ikaruga Palace斑鳩宮 where he once lived. It is also famous for its beauty and is said to have served as a model for the Nippon Budokan日本武道館. Its octagonal shape is attributed to its purpose as a memorial hall. The famous救世観音 ( Guze Kannon,World-Saving Buddha) statue, which is said to resemble Prince Shōtoku himself, is enshrined there. For 200 years, it was believed that disaster would occur if the statue was seen by human eyes, so it was preserved wrapped in multiple layers of cloth. However, during the Meiji era, it was opened by Fenollosa and designated as a national treasure. Because it was wrapped in cloth, its condition was well-preserved, and it is said to still shine in gold. The name ‘Yumedono’ 夢殿(Dream Hall) is said to be derived from a golden Buddha that appeared in Prince Shōtoku’s dream. At that time, the golden Kannon statue was not here, but now a truly golden statue of Kannon is enshrined here. Could it have been a prophetic dream of Prince Shōtoku?