左が亀、右が鶴 亀は万年、鶴は千年。長寿を祈る図。
The ranma (transom panel) at the Nagasawa residence in Utsumi city.Japanese houses have elaborate ranma.
A turtle on the left and a crane on the right. Turtles and cranes are believed to live long yeas.So the turtle represents ten thousand years, and the crane represents a thousand years, symbolizing a wish for longevity.

高砂 Takasago
“Takasago” is a story of a Noh play. The elderly couple cleaning under pine trees are actually spirits of the pine tree. The old man is from the Pine in Sumiyoshi, and the old woman is from the Takasago Pine. Although the two pine trees of Takasago and Sumiyoshi are far apart, they are considered as a married couple.The legend conveys the idea that even when growing far apart, the hearts of individuals can be close, spending many years together.
By the way, pine trees symbolize eternity as they maintain the same appearance throughout the year.
