宮島弥山 Mt.Misen in Miyajima


Taking on the challenge of climbing Mount Misen in Miyajima.


Boarding the ferry and departing for Miyajima. During the daytime, Miyajima is crowded, but around 8 AM in the morning, it is less crowded.


By the way, the ferry to Miyajima is operated by JR, so you can use JR IC cards.

宮島桟橋到着 Arrival at Miyajima Pier.


There are three routes to climb Mount Misen.I chose the Daishoin Course.


At the entrance of the hiking trail, there is a torii gate.


The hiking trail features beautiful rivers, shrines, and primeval forests. From within the woods, the sound of birds can be heard, while the gentle murmuring of a stream can be heard beneath one’s feet.


The initial sense of ease while climbing quickly dissipated as I faced a series of staircases, one after another.


Furthermore, there were warning signs about venomous snakes (mamushi). Just when I thought there would be a descent staircase, there were more ascending stairs.


From time to time, I would encounter old Jizo statues that provided me with their support and encouragement.


As I made my way, the air around me grew more solemn, and the melodies of birds and the murmuring of the stream receded. The sacred atmosphere evoked memories of this place being a training ground for mountain priest in the past.


After walking for about 20 minutes, I finally arrived at the Niomon Gate.


Continuing the climb, I came across gigantic boulders.


I could see the main hall (Gomado) coming into view.


The Reihaido, a hall with the everlasting flame. It is said that the fire has been continuously burning for 1200 years. Due to the constant presence of fire, the interior of the hall is covered in soot and completely black.


As I continued to climb, more and more rocks appeared in my path.

弥山山頂 The summit of Mount Misen.

周りの海が見渡せます。  You can overlook the surrounding sea.

とても疲れましたが、来てよかったです。 I was very tired, but I’m glad I came.


If you climb briskly, it takes about 2 hours to ascend and descend, but I heard from people I encountered that it usually takes around 3 hours. The current season was comfortable, but in the upcoming season, mosquitoes, bees, and snakes will start appearing, so it’s necessary to take precautions. Also, be careful with your footing as the ground can be slippery, so pay attention to your shoes.

